April 25

The Hidden Costs of Poor Device Inventory Management

When device inventory management suffers, the damage isn’t limited to a few operational bumps. This business infrastructure issue can bleed resources in ways you never even imagined. The hidden costs of poor device inventory management include several financial setbacks, inefficiencies, and missed savings opportunities— all of which can seriously impact your bottom line.

At its core, the issue is one of visibility— or lack thereof. Without a clear, up-to-date view of what devices are where and in what condition, companies are essentially lost at sea. This obscurity opens the door for several incredibly costly scenarios.

Unnecessary Purchases and Redundancies

One very direct way businesses lose money on this front is through unnecessary purchases. Companies aren’t aware that they already have underused or completely idle devices in-house so they buy new ones instead. This redundancy not only wastes capital but also makes an already difficult-to-manage inventory even more unwieldy.

Downtime and Productivity Losses

In many industries, downtime is a quiet killer of profits— and poor device management makes it worse. When devices fail or go missing with no quick solution for repair or replacement in place, operations come to a screeching halt. For knowledge workers especially, having access to a functioning device could mean the difference between hours or days worth of work being completed. That means massive financial losses.

Non-compliance Risks and Financial Penalties

For organizations working in highly regulated spaces, mismanaging their devices’ inventories has much higher stakes. Mistakes lead to inaccurate records, which leads to non-compliance with applicable regulations, which comes with steep fines and penalties.

Moreover, not being able to prove device encryption or secure disposal practices for data-carrying assets opens companies up to data breaches (and any associated financial costs) as well as damage to their reputations.

Overlooked Maintenance and Warranty Opportunities

Maintenance is another very easily overlooked area where costs can spiral. When devices (which are no longer under warranty) unexpectedly fail, the repair or replacement fees can be astronomical. On the other hand, a properly maintained inventory of devices can leverage warranty services effectively and avoid unnecessary spending. Regular maintenance checks can also prolong devices’ lives— meaning replacing them becomes less urgent.

Inflated IT Support Costs

IT support teams face undue pressure as a result of device management inefficiencies as well. When devices aren’t tracked appropriately, diagnosing issues and locating misplaced items will consume way more time than fixing the problem. This means inflated IT support expenses as well as reduced ability for team members to focus on projects that could drive business growth.

Strategic Management: The Gateway to Savings

The solution is simple: Adopt an advanced IT asset inventory management system to retain control over your operations. These systems provide real-time visibility into every aspect of a device’s lifecycle so you know exactly what you have on your hands at any given moment — from procurement through decommissioning.

This comprehensive overview allows businesses to make informed decisions about purchases, maintenance, compliance and more, transforming these potential pitfalls into opportunities for savings.

Furthermore, delegating some of the inventory management process to these automated systems relieves IT staff from their burden and frees them up to work on other projects that could help grow your company.

Automated alerts for necessary maintenance checks, warranty expirations and compliance audits will prevent expensive oversights, too. Plus, all the data collected by these systems can inform strategic planning— ensuring each device has a purpose and advances one or several of the company’s objectives.

The money spent on poor device inventory management is a lot. Taking charge and recognizing these obstacles could be the key to saving your business from going under. Not only can businesses cover their inefficiencies, but they can also lower financial risk and save some money that they didn’t even know was spent in the first place. A great first step would be investing in a strong management solution to get a grip on your situation and give yourself some more breathing room against competitors.

Unravel the possibilities that lie within a powerful management solution. Ignition IT will show you how to change your outlook and approach to device inventory management. Watch as we help you regain control, slash costs, and stay one step ahead of the competition. Don’t wait for tomorrow; take action today and contact our experts to equip your business with the edge it deserves.

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