June 26

The Essential IT Checklist for Startup Launch Day

Being your own boss and starting a successful business has many advantages to consider, as does being able to work in an industry you have a real passion for. 

Starting your own company takes a lot of research, planning and hard work. This sets the groundwork for future success and ensures you are fully prepared to engage with the big wide world. Once all of this planning is done, you get to launch day. 

This is a massive occasion for any entrepreneur and the day when your new venture goes live. Although there will be multiple things to cover on the day itself, IT is a major one to focus on. This is because IT systems, networks, hardware, and software play an integral role in the vast majority of business operations now.

It’s Launch Day: What IT Essentials Should You be Covering?

You have spent months planning what your new business will do, how you will find customers, and where you will be based. Launch day has suddenly come around the corner, and you are all ready to ace it. Your IT foundation is a big part of the day, and it’s essential to have a comprehensive checklist of tasks to refer to when things get busy.

Your IT checklist should include the following tasks:

Establishing rigorous IT security protocols should be the first thing on any startup checklist on launch day. This will help your new business operate in the most secure way right from the start and enable any staff you might have to understand how important cybersecurity is for the business.

You should start by installing and running robust virus protection software on all devices. This will stop hackers from installing viruses on them that could be used to steal data or infect your network. Mobile security software and mobile data encryption are essential for startups that will use mobile devices as part of their workflow. 

It’s also key to create a thorough IT security plan for the business and share this with all staff. This plan should include protocols around password security for business systems, how data is shared and why updating software is a must.

Network security protocols are also key to consider on launch day, as they can be embedded when your network is set up. Common things to consider are: 

  • Restrict business systems with password protection
  • Control the access users have to company data/parts of the network
  • Set up robust firewalls to protect your network from online attacks. This should include both hardware and software firewalls for maximum safety.
  • Encrypt data transmitted via the internet

For most startups on launch day, setting up their systems is the most obvious thing to consider. The first thing to check off is setting up your IT network and connecting devices. Once done, this allows workers to access documents on the network, use network-connected printers and access key company databases/software. With the rise of remote working, it’s also key to check off remote network access on launch day if required.

For most startups, it’s possible to install a simple network that can run wirelessly off a standard router. However, if you have a large number of employees to begin with or plan to scale up in the future, your network may need additional kit, such as servers, to work efficiently.

Once the network is set up, establishing a secure internet connection is essential. At this point, it’s also worth thinking about telecom solutions in your new business and connecting up the systems which enable customers to contact you. Many businesses use VoIP networks now for example and this can be easily set up on launch day, once you have the internet running.

Once you have your network and internet connection in place, you need to install any relevant software. This could include:

  • Email software 
  • Accounting software
  • CRM packages
  • HR/Payroll software
  • Video call software
  • Basic office software packages (like MS Office)
  • Web browsing software

If you invest some time on launch day to set your systems up properly, everything should go swimmingly. Life can sometimes have other plans, though, which means a backup plan is crucial in case your IT systems go down.

Some tasks to include on your checklist here include: 

  • Create a robust backup system 
  • Set out a procedure for taking regular data backups 
  • Decide where the data will be backed up too (physical storage, the Cloud or a removable hard drive, for example)
  • If you will back up to the Cloud, have you checked out the provider you will use? 
  • For backups via physical storage, have you planned to store the data somewhere away from magnetism, heat, and moisture? Have you got plans in place to keep at least one set of backups off-site? 

IT Compliance is one of those subjects that entrepreneurs cannot ignore, and you must check compliance with your new business on launch day. 

The main issue most start-up owners have is knowing what regulations they need to be compliant with and how to go about it. This is easy to understand when you consider the in-depth legal speak regulations are written in and the various industry standards your new business needs to meet. 

Common laws for businesses (and their business associates) to comply with include: 

  • PCI
  • GDPR (for non-US customers in Europe)
  • 28 ISO 27002 controls
  • 20 PCI/DISS controls
  • 19 CMMC controls
  • SOC 2
  • ISO
  • SEC

A good tip, therefore, is to do some research well in advance of launch day and note what regulations you need to comply with in your specific industry and what evidence you need for this. Once this is done, you should consult your list on launch day and ensure you are compliant with everything you need.

Startup Launch Day: Forgot IT Worries with Ignition IT

The launch of your new business should be a joyous occasion. However, this can be tough to achieve if you are worried about IT and setting everything up properly. Ignition IT is an expert in helping startups get off the ground, with over 25 years in the IT business. 
We offer a range of useful IT services for new entrepreneurs, from help with compliance to cybersecurity, managed IT, and more. Contact us today to see how we can make your first day in business one to remember.

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