July 3

Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Business Technology (and How to Do it Affordably)

All businesses rely on technology and consider it integral to their operations. This is especially true for the IT systems modern companies use to meet customer expectations and power productivity. However, it’s only possible to get the full benefits from business technology if it’s running to its full potential. 

This means it’s crucial to monitor when your business tech needs updating. But what are some of the most common signs to look out for? 

Excessive Downtime 

This can be a classic sign that your business technology needs updating. Downtime simply refers to when the technology in your business is not working and is most often associated with not being able to access the Internet. This is usually because outdated servers, networks, and/or software have stopped working. 

Excessive downtime is bad for any business because it prevents customers from accessing your website or engaging with you online. If you have an internet-connected telecom network like VoIP, it also means they cannot speak to you on the telephone. Too much downtime also hurts productivity because staff can’t get online to complete their usual duties. 

Identifying problems in this area is relatively simple. You will soon notice if you have lost internet access when working or customers are not able to reach you. You can also check the downtime guarantee your internet provider offers and monitor your IT networks to track downtime levels. 

Upgrading your business technology set-up to reduce downtime can be done cost-effectively. IT infrastructure management services are a good place to start. They can help review your current business tech infrastructure and suggest affordable ways to improve it to reduce downtime.

Security Concerns

All business owners know how crucial cybersecurity is for keeping customers safe. Focusing on this not only enables businesses to avoid costly data leaks but also helps build a positive, trustworthy brand image with the public.

Concerns over the effectiveness of your IT security arrangements are another major red flag which signals your business tech needs an update. This is not something to ignore and means security technology must be updated immediately to resolve any issues. 

Good ways to identify this problem include conducting a cybersecurity review of your business and making notes of security gaps that cause outdated tech. It is also worth thinking about when anti-virus software was installed on company devices and whether outdated software could be a security problem. 

Monitoring your IT network is also a good tip, as it means you can spot where hackers are targeting their attacks or where successful attempts have bypassed current security technologies.

Fixing old business technology, which is leading to security problems, can be done without spending a lot of money. It usually involves updating specific tech within your business (such as network firewalls or anti-virus software on devices) to offer better protection. 

Cybersecurity solutions for businesses may also look at updating endpoint security tools to protect network data better and Cloud security tools to keep data safer in this environment.

High Energy Costs

It’s a fact that older IT devices and kits tend to use more energy than newer versions. This is because newer IT equipment is designed to run more efficiently and has the latest technology inside to make this happen. If your commercial energy usage/costs are sky-high, this could be a sign that your business tech needs a change. 

How can you determine if you need to take action? It comes down to monitoring your business’s energy expenditures per month and usage. If you notice that your consumption has risen significantly over time, this could be a signal to act. 

The main way you can do this is by purchasing new computers, printers, and other business tech that could impact energy costs. To do this cost-effectively, shop around for the best deals and stagger your upgrade plan (starting with the oldest, most energy-hungry business tech first). 

Many companies will also consider moving their operations into the Cloud, as this can avoid replacing outdated, inefficient physical servers when upgrading. 

Tech Not Keeping Up With Growth

The overall goal for business owners is to drive sustained growth over a period of time. This process usually involves scaling up and finding ways for the firm to grow with its customer base. Therefore, one sign that your business technology needs updating is when it’s no longer fit for purpose and hasn’t scaled with your organization. 

This can be a major issue, as the tech you are using may not be able to handle the number of customers you now have or the size of your business. Business tech that has not scaled in line with growth can also lead to gaps in operations that affect orders, shipping, or payments.

This can be an easy problem to identify for business owners, as the restrictions outdated business tech has on daily operations will quickly surface. This could be an internet bandwidth level that is now too low, causing your website to run slowly, or a telecoms set-up that does not have enough handsets for newly hired staff to use. 

One of the most cost-effective ways to update your business tech when scaling is by seeking expert help from managed IT services. They will be able to advise you on how best to upgrade the tech you have to match where your business is currently and help it keep pace with what you do. In some cases, you may also need to upgrade the features, including business tech subscription plans, and/or find affordable hardware/software more suited to your current operations. 

Update Your Business Technology with Ignition IT

Technology in business is undeniably important but must be kept updated to operate at maximum capability. Old tech is not only frustrating to use but also could lead to higher costs and weaker security levels. 

If you spot any of the above signs that your business’s technology needs a revamp, it doesn’t have to cost a lot to upgrade. Here at Ignition IT, we have decades of experience helping businesses like yours and offer a range of IT services that can help. Contact our IT professionals for a consultation today!

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