IT that scales with you.

IT Support for Startups

Well done, you! You’ve successfully birthed a bouncing baby startup that’s smarter and prettier than the others. Now it has to grow up real quick to play with the big kids in the investor playpen. You have a truckload to worry about: hiring all the people, getting a queue of hungry customers, and staying unbreached and out of the gossip pages. And it’s all gotta be done by lunchtime.

Relax, because we offer IT support for startups to keep your IT managed, monitored, and secured. Scaling fast? Bring it on. Need all the compliance? It’s done. And there’s more–a whole heap more.

Scale Fast

Want your gazillion new hires to look at you the way you look at soft cinnamon pretzels? Simple. Our superfast zero-touch automated onboarding and laptop warehousing services get them onboarded with all the right apps, tools, and platforms in about, ooh, 20 minutes. For extra points, offer them the device of their choice, because we’re 100% cross-platform and not ashamed to say it.

Bring ‘em in

Stay Safe Out There

An SQL injection ain’t the new Botox, baby, but it will freeze your IT assets if you let it. That’s a big nope from us because our IT support includes a so-tight-your-eyes-pop multi-point defense against the dark arts of those pesky cyber criminals. Malware, ransomware, denial-of-service, and phishing attacks stopped, smacked, and shamed forever.

Keep ‘em out

All the Acronyms

Oh crap. Your HIPAA/SOC 2/SEC/ISO auditor just handed you a list of gaping holes in your IT ecosystem and you need accreditation for fat contracts and industry credibility. Dry your tears, because gap remediation is our thing. We’ll implement the controls you need to get your IT fully compliant and audit-proof. Then we’ll keep it that way. BONUS: Our mobile device management service already includes a ton of data security controls, so you’re already almost there.

Close the gaps

Geeks That Speak Human

Our helpdesk actually helps. We answer the phone within three rings, not three weeks. We respond to emails in rapid time too. Our core value is 49% tech support, 41% human support, because kindness and people-ness are fitted as standard, as well as all the smarts.

Sort it now

IT Support Specifically for Startups

We’re probably the only IT consultancy and MSP on the planet that specializes in IT support for startups. We know how it works. Each stage of your startup adventure needs different blends of IT support and we’re here to help you mix it up.

And, yep, you don’t need a Ph.D. in WhatDidIJustRead to understand your service level agreement with us. Pay month to month. Easy start and simple set up. Scale up, down, or sideways–whatever you need.

Ignition is Silicon Valley’s best (and friendliest) IT security, compliance, and support team. Call us now–chatting about IT support and cybersecurity is our favorite thing to do!

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