Packed with GMO-free, security-filled goodness.

Cybersecurity for Remote Workers

Who doesn’t want to splash about in a bigger, cleverer talent pool? Remote and hybrid working is a thing and you need to do it. But don’t worry about cybersecurity for your remote workers, because that’s our job. We’ll cook up all the security protocols that’ll keep your remote workers safe, productive, and hacker-free, wherever they’re working.

Secure Onboarding

Safe, streamlined onboarding customized to your own brand of weirdness is what we do. We’ll get your newbies operational, happy, and secure before their first chai latte break on day one. So-tight-it-hurts user authentication protocols, bespoke application provisioning, and anti-crapware deployment never looked so good. And if things don’t work out with them, we’ll offboard them securely too.

Bring ‘em in

All Flavors of Safe

Wanna dip your tootsies in a cross-platform fleet but fretting about security gaps? Dive right in, because we’ll take care of it. MacOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and the rest are all welcome here. Lure in new hires with choose-your-own-device or, heck, take the plunge with rampant bring-your-own-device. We’ll wrap up all the platforms under a single pane of glass for comprehensive security in all the flavors.

Have it all

Stay Unhooked

Cybercrime meanies are really smooth now and that means your people won’t always recognize phishing, whaling, and the other cyberattacks that slither into their inboxes. Don’t panic because our yes-it-darn-well-works-and-we-can-prove-it phishing training will savvy them up and cut security risk down. We’ll give you the numbers on who’s wising up and who’s slipping up. Yep, Dex in Sales, we mean you.

Wise ‘em up

Device Security for Real Life

Real life happens to remote workers and that means devices get lost, stolen or thrown overboard. But don’t panic because our flavor of military-grade security means, whatever happens to your devices, your data stays good’n’secure. We’ll track, locate, lock, and wipe errant endpoints. We’ll prevent devices from connecting to iffy wifi. We’ll keep a cute little encryption key handy. And more.

Cybersecurity for Remote Workers.
Because They’re Worth It.

Slash those remote worker cybersecurity risks. Biggen up that talent pool. Expand into new, scary markets. Free your people to work where they want. Heck, even sell HQ because you don’t need that office now (it smelled weird anyways). A strong remote workforce with even stronger cybersecurity makes so much business sense that we can’t even. We’ll help you get there.

Ignition is Silicon Valley’s best (and friendliest) IT security, compliance, and support team. Contact us now – chatting about IT support and cybersecurity is our favorite thing to do!

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