June 14

Empowering Employees to Master Data Security Protocols with MDM Magic

Your employees aren’t at their first rodeo when it comes to data security protocols. They have a keen eye for potential threats and wouldn’t even consider falling for the infamous “Nigerian prince” email scam or phishing ploys. When safeguarding sensitive documents, no one is leaving them unattended in the printer tray. And if you ever ask them if they’ve ever used a public hotspot without a reliable VPN, they’ll give you a skeptical look. However, your employees are only human, and humans make mistakes.

Fortunately, there’s a simple solution. Allow Mobile Device Management (MDM) to shoulder the bulk of the data security workload, freeing your people from unnecessary worry and empowering them with an enchanting level of protection.

Why Normal Humans Make Data Security Mistakes

Your people aren’t morons. They’re just human, like you and even us. Work stuff fills their pretty little heads, which is why there’s not always much room for practicing those data security protocols you need so badly. This isn’t a blame game. Risky behavior isn’t often malicious in origin. Lack of time, knowledge, or poor timing of security updates are just some of the reasons people ignore or overlook data security protocols. Even the most annoyingly saintly member of your team will slip up sometimes. It might be because they: 

  • Don’t understand the importance of good practice, such as keeping their operating system (OS) up to date. 
  • Download some seemingly super-useful (but sketchy) software.
  • Use pet name-based weak passwords and then fail to store them reliably.
  • Forget to back up critical information regularly and safely.
  • Don’t have data security in their day-to-day mindset.

Two Ways MDM Reduces The Risk Of A Data Breach

 MDM reduces the risk of a data breach in two key ways:

  • Automating security measures. Automation eradicates the risk of human error by eliminating the need for a human to do the task entirely or by automating parts of a manual task.
  • Enforcing good practice. Enforcing good practice means people can’t do their stuff until they’ve complied with all the security loveliness you require. 

So, let’s look at some of the most common employee data security errors and how your shiny MDM service can reduce or eliminate them. Them = the errors, not the employee.

Common Employee Data Security Protocol Errors

When it comes to data security, even the most diligent employees can sometimes stumble into risky territory. In this section, we’ll explore some common pitfalls and errors that employees may unknowingly commit, starting with the first hotspot: operating system and application security. 

Error Hotspot 1: Operating System and Application Security

We all know how updating an OS or other software can feel like an annoying interruption amidst a busy workday. Plus, tempting apps are abundant, some of which may even be useful for work. However, employees often put data at risk by engaging in the following behaviors:

  • Ignoring or continually postponing OS or software update reminders.
  • Running multiple OS versions on the same device.
  • Disabling automatic updates.
  • Using personal web browsers that your IT team may not approve.
  • Installing web plug-ins for browsers.
  • Downloading software from unofficial sources.
  • Utilizing non-approved antivirus software.
  • Disabling security features, whether to watch something questionable or simply because they find them bothersome.

Mobile Device Management (MDM) services can come to the rescue. By configuring MDM, you can automate the enforcement of OS and software updates, block certain apps, and push authorized ones. Additionally, you can rely on the IT asset inventory dashboard provided by MDM to identify devices running outdated OS systems, unauthorized software, or peculiar apps, giving you the power to allow or disallow them as needed. While you may not need to unleash the hounds on employees who disable security features, it’s reassuring to know that it’s an option at your disposal.

Error Hotspot 2: Access Control

When it comes to sensitive data, granting unrestricted access to everyone can be a recipe for disaster. As much as we trust our people, mistakes can happen, and the consequences can be dire. 

Here are some common errors that employees may unknowingly commit when it comes to access control:

  • Accidentally or without proper approval, deleting sensitive data.
  • Sharing sensitive data through unencrypted or insecure channels like WhatsApp or regular email.
  • Sharing sensitive data with individuals who shouldn’t have access or those outside the organization.
  • Handling sensitive data in public places where prying eyes and lurking threats abound.

To mitigate these risks, adopting “need to know” access control is the best practice, following the principle of least privilege. With the help of Mobile Device Management (MDM), you can implement role-based access to software and data, significantly reducing the likelihood of both accidental and intentional data breaches. 

By assigning access privileges based on employees’ specific roles and responsibilities, you ensure that sensitive information remains securely within the hands of those who truly need it.

Error Hotspot 3: Physical Security

When managing a remote team, whether stationed in home offices or on the road, the risk of mobile devices being lost, stolen, misplaced, or even “borrowed” by curious kids becomes all too real. 

Here are some common blunders employees can make when it comes to physical security:

  • Leaving their device in a vehicle, regardless of whether it’s locked or unlocked.
  • Lending a work device to a family member or friend for a school or community project.
  • Leaving their device unattended at a place like Starbucks (probably) while they quickly dash to the restroom.

Thankfully, your trusty MDM service has you covered with two layers of defense. Firstly, it automatically encrypts every device in your fleet, ensuring that unauthorized individuals cannot access the oh-so-sensitive data. Huzzah! Secondly, if a device is stolen and subsequently turned on and connected to the internet, you have a window of opportunity to trigger the pre-installed theft-tracking software. 

This nifty feature allows you to:

  • Utilize geolocation to track the physical whereabouts of the device.
  • Capture screenshots to see what the thief is browsing or shopping for—quite the virtual detective work!
  • Activate the webcam to snap mugshots of the miscreant (say cheese!) or even the unsuspecting individual who innocently acquired the stolen device.
  • Exercise control by remotely sending commands to wipe the device’s data clean and lock it securely.

With these robust security measures in place, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that your fleet of devices is well-protected, even in the face of physical threats.

Data Security Protocols Work Better With MDM. It’s Just Science

MDM performs an array of invaluable security tasks behind the scenes, reducing the burden on your team. When there’s less for your people to do, it’s easier for them to comply with the myriad data security protocols in place.  If you think that MDM could help you reduce the risk of data breaches in your organization, give us a call. We’re here to help.

Ignition is Silicon Valley’s best (and friendliest) IT security, compliance, and support team. Contact us now – chatting about IT support and cybersecurity is our favorite thing to do!

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